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MyMentee is a community of Mentors with 10+ years of experience in their field, ensuring their mentees can ask questions, explore a career path, and learn how to get to their next job. We are not life coaches, therapists or career coaches - we have simply worked our asses off to get where we are today, and we want to help YOU get there faster.
My name is Kaylee Miller, founder of MyMentee. I have spent the last 10 years working in tech sales. Before that I worked as a chef, traveling the world. My journey doesn't line up perfectly, in fact it's a totally squiggly line - and I'm often asked how did you make that jump?
So it hit me, why not bring together my network of diversified skillsets with 10+ years of experience to help anyone out there wondering... how do I...
It's easy - find your mentor, book time on their calendar, and learn.
Let's boogie xo
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